About the change to Russian TLS certificates for use in the work of remote services

Charter (format: pdf; Approved by the General Meeting of Shareholders - April 16, 2015; Agreed with the Moscow State Technical University of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation - July 06, 2015; Date of entry on the state registration of the new version of the Charter in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities - July 15, 2015)

Amendment No. 1 to the Charter of the Bank dated 06.07.2015 (format: pdf, August 08, 2017)

Information for the Shareholders

List of insider information (effective from 30.11.2021)

The representative office of Evrofinance Mosnarbank operates in Caracas (Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela).

About the change to Russian TLS certificates for use in the work of remote services

21 June 2023

Dear customers!

We inform you, that the Bank is currently making the switch to Russian TLS certificates for use in the work of remote services. For trouble-free operation of the Bank's remote banking service systems (hereinafter - System) we recommend:

1. To customers - individuals:

- update the mobile application to the current version 52.6.8 using the download link   or the QR-code on the page EuroLink;

2. To individuals and legal persons:

- to work on the System through browsers, use the Russian browsers Yandex.Browser or Atom;

- to work on the System through foreign browsers (Google Chrome/Chromium, Mozilla FireFox, Opera, Edge) on all devices that use to work on the System, install the certificate of the National Certification Center of Russia according to the instructions "Installation of the root certificate of the National Certification Center of Russia on a computer with the Windows operating system. 10/11"

You can download certificates from the Public services portal at the following link https://www.gosuslugi.ru/crt.

In case of problems, please contact the Technical Support Center by phone: +7 (495) 967-81-71.


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