Evrofinance Mosnarbank launches the service of PIN code change in the Bank ATMs

Charter (format: pdf; Approved by the General Meeting of Shareholders - April 16, 2015; Agreed with the Moscow State Technical University of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation - July 06, 2015; Date of entry on the state registration of the new version of the Charter in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities - July 15, 2015)

Amendment No. 1 to the Charter of the Bank dated 06.07.2015 (format: pdf, August 08, 2017)

Information for the Shareholders

List of insider information (effective from 30.11.2021)

The representative office of Evrofinance Mosnarbank operates in Caracas (Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela).

Evrofinance Mosnarbank launches the service of PIN code change in the Bank ATMs

30 January 2023

Dear customers, holders of the Mir cards issued by the Bank!

We are glad to inform you that since 30 January 2023 you can take advantage of our new service of PIN code change.

This service allows you to change the PIN code of your Mir card to the new PIN required when the contact method is used for the chip card. To change PIN you should select the respective menu item in the Bank’s ATM, introduce new PIN and confirm it typing once again. The information on the successful change of PIN will appear on the screen. Please, don’t use combinations of identical or consecutive numbers, as well as any easily identified combinations like the holder’s birthday etc.

Kindly yours Evrofinance Mosnarbank

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